+33 (0)2 33 93 02 11

he LMC - library media centre

The LMC is open to all the school's pupils and staff (both teaching and non-teaching):

The library media centre is staffed by the school librarian who promotes information literacy, pupil autonomy and access to culture.

Depuis 2010, le CDI est aussi le lieu privilégié des réunions du Club de lecture « Lisons sous la pluie » qui décerne, chaque année, un « Prix littéraire des lycéens du lycée Victor Grignard » à un auteur contemporain.

Since 2010, the library media centre has been the ideal setting for the "Reading in the rain" club that awards a yearly "Lycée Victor Grignard Prize for Literature" to a contemporary author.

Download the brochure : cdi.pdf

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